So its november 5th 2008 and I'm conflicted.... On one hand I feel elation and hope that I've never felt before because we have a 47 year old african-american by the name of Barack Obama as our president elect... It makes me feel as if all of those times when my parents and grandparents told me I could be the president of the united states (until I "knew" better) is not just bullshit to motivate me... It is actually feasible... We are living history and it makes me feel like america has actually risen to the occasion for once.... That fills me with pride... I am proud to be an American... Even if African doesn't proceed it....
However.... On the other hand...The discriminatory and oppressive Proposition 8 passed which will once again outlaw homosexual marraige.... And what disgusts me more is that this egregious elimination of rights received support from 75 percent of the black vote... And the reason? Religious and personal beliefs.... Predjudice toward the gay community... Fear... Fear of the unknown...
To protect the sanctity of marraige we cannot allow this to happen! What about the 50 percent divorce rate? Hmmm? How about we say if u have been divorced once you cannot be married again... I don't think many of these religious fanatics would support that... It may hit too close to home... Can't protect the sanctity of marraige if it takes away my right... But those fags are godless and sinners so fuck them... Even if I fornicate and lie and cheat and steal... I'm holier than thou....
But I thought as black people, we if anyone would understand and empathize with the cause... Seeing as how the exact same religious nutso argument was used to keep us oppressed as a people... The bible was used to keep us from marrying and enjoying the government benifits that come along with it... Oh and u know what other argument they used? "What about the kids!!! If you allow them to marry the next step is having our kids exposed to this 'black equality' notion"... Do u get the picture!? I mean do u really GET it?
You know what I say? Fuck the sanctity of marraige I say PROTECT THE FUCKIN SANCTITY OF SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!
I mean when it comes down to it... To me... U may disagree if u wish... Actually I like it when people disagree with me... To me it comes down to the benifits that gay people would receive and we as californians have taken them away... Maybe its only right that we do this since bush has taken away many of our rights... I guess attitude really does reflect leadership..... But to me, It is not right... in fact its damn right repugnant... To discriminate because of some farfetched religious idea.... Keep your religion off of people... You can't force people to believe what u believe... So why legislate against them... I thought that's what this country was all about...
Bilal's Levels Directed by Flying Lotus
14 years ago