hmmm... so ive been thinking about what my first post back should be... i wanted it to be something interesting and what not but i just figured hey... its my shit i can write about whatever i want lol... so im gonna ummm vent my thoughts and feelings about a current event thats been all over the news for some reason or another for the past umm week and a half or so.... california will now legallly recognize gay marraiges...
man i feel like its about damn time.... i think that the government should do a lot of things but prohibiting the union of two people before the law is not one of them..... it really pisses me off because you have these hypocritical religious nuts (who only seem to get religious when theres either gay people or abortions are brought up for some reason hmmmm) who are all up in arms because now gay people can be married in california...
woooo big whoop...
i want to ask u a question mr and mrs devout christian... how are two gay people getting married going to affect you or society negatively? i mean.. what harm can come from there being more stable families in america that can help our declining economy or maybe just maybe be able to adopt the many orphans in the country... i mean... how can the benifits a spouse will recieve when their significan other dies.. or less orphans on the streets... or people actually reconizing the love that two PEOPLE share possibly evoke a negative response from you? what if someone told you you couldnt marry who you want because its not right in the eyes of god? wtf
oh and about this "preserving the sanctity of marraige" crap..... for 1 marraige is a legal contract confirming the union of two people before the law and government... people chooooose to make it religious... and if you really want to preserve its sanctity... please please please try something practical like ummm i dunno sayyy NOT CHEATING ON YOUR SPOUSE.... hmm or possibly NOT GETTING never know.. these things may help....
but as far as this being a sin and an abomination before god... dont even come at me with that crap... whatever happened to seperation between church and state? oh and if you read the bible you would know that each sin is weighted equally before the eyes of god.... so all of you lying, fornicating, coveting, disrespectful americans are going to be in hell right next to your gay married couple neighbors if you believe in that sort of thing
let he who is without sin cast the first stone..... but if you live in a glass house u probably shouldnt cast it ;)
Bilal's Levels Directed by Flying Lotus
14 years ago
Mhmmm mhmmm, amen.
step by step.
it feels good to see progression.
Are you trying to tell us something? j/k
But on a serious note i agree...we ae all sin is greater than another. When two people love each other and want to commit to each other it should be no ones say on if they should or shouldnt.
Reminds me of our stupid governor "Gay marriage should be between a man and a woman." - Arnold Schwarzenegger...hahaha these kind of people are trying to tell ppl what they should and shouldnt
No Mo Najee lol jk love you i agree let the gays be gays ya dig i just get a lil grossed out when i see two guys kissing there is def a double standard there but it must be put into place girls kissing=Hot and steamy...Guys Kissing= not so hot and steamy lol
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