Okay so terri sent me a link to a blog that i might be interested in and here is the quote she loved
"Revolution, is in my opinion about evoluition, to re-evolve. It is the internal thought of a person that expresses itself externally. What you think you are, you will be. If you think you are ghetto, you will express this in an external fashion, whether it be a clothing style, tatoos, the way you speak, the way you act. This is the external expression of an internal thought process, on a micro-cosmic level. This same internal thought process expressed by the many becomes a culture, when many dress a certain way, speak a certain way and act a certain way, all based on an internal thought process. So, what outside entity came to a certain group of Black people and produced the thought in them that they are ghetto and this is how ghetto acts? How can one or a group overcome an ailment by pointing at the external factor? Does this exclude the fact that external factors influence the thought process? No. Yet, we are responsible for how we internalize an outside influence. One factor in the external influence on the Black Collective are our own so called “leaders” and “professors” that influence a certain percentage of Black people’s internal thought processes. When a “leader” or “professor” continues to express a slave mentality (I will elaborate in a post what a slave mentality is), then those that believe the “leaders” and “professors” are greater than themselves fall prey to an external influence that deters positive uplifing internal thoughts in the “weaker” collective. Example, on a different level. In order to avoid the flu or a cold one MUST strengthen their OWN immune system, an internal function. When a cold or flu virus attacks a person and overcomes them, then it is the failure of the person to strengthen the INTERNAL IMMUNE SYSTEM. When the immune system is strong an outside influence is of little to no effect. The same is true with the Black collective. The Black Collective must CLEAN OUT and strengthen INTERNALLY to repel negative outside attacks. The more we focus on the outside factor, the white man, the European cultural influence on the Black collective, and racism the “weaker” the collective becomes. And, the Black collective will be defeated by those very same external forces. Therefore, the focus MUST be on cleaning OUR internal thought process, cleaning out the down pressing “leaders” and “professors”, cleaning out our vocabulary, cleaing up the way we dress, act, and feed ourselves, and clean up our dirty ways to eachother. Then and only then can we defeat racism, European cultural influence, the white man and bad Black “leaders” “and Professors”."
to reiterate this is a QUOTE not my words however it does accurately verbalize what has been floating around in my head... i think it is amazing how some people can just seem to reach into your head, grab all of your crazy chaotic thoughts, and be able to word them so elloquently so effortlessly...
this is one of the reasons i love talking to people about real subjects not just music and fashion... i mean there is a time and place for those convos dont get me wrong i love talking music as much as the next man but i think in our generation there is a lack of discussion about real social issues....
take this for instance, i agree with this comment above... it is time for black people to start cleaning up "our own backyard" so to speak... in order for us to be respected as a community we have to get our shit together first....
now i dont know how to do this at all lol these are just some of the things i think about from time to time but i would appreciate feedback in the form of comments in order to assist me and you lol
what i do know is though is that change starts within we cannot let external forces dictate our course any longer...
this one quote from ghandi comes to mind... it may be a missquote so excuse me in advance, but it goes something like "Be the change you want to see"
Bilal's Levels Directed by Flying Lotus
14 years ago
1 comment:
I def agree. It's time to stop making excuses and start taking actions. We, black women and men make up the lower echelon of society and we will continue to until we start taking action, to 'be the change'. Bill Cosby to me was extremely right when he states that it has been too long that we have been pointing fingers. A black man's choise to sell drugs and other such thing is not due to some white man pushing him to do it. It all comes down to free will, and our ability to make choices. If Obama, a black man, made it to Harvard, that means every other nigga can!!
Good post!
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