Wednesday, November 5, 2008
November 5th.... the day after
However.... On the other hand...The discriminatory and oppressive Proposition 8 passed which will once again outlaw homosexual marraige.... And what disgusts me more is that this egregious elimination of rights received support from 75 percent of the black vote... And the reason? Religious and personal beliefs.... Predjudice toward the gay community... Fear... Fear of the unknown...
To protect the sanctity of marraige we cannot allow this to happen! What about the 50 percent divorce rate? Hmmm? How about we say if u have been divorced once you cannot be married again... I don't think many of these religious fanatics would support that... It may hit too close to home... Can't protect the sanctity of marraige if it takes away my right... But those fags are godless and sinners so fuck them... Even if I fornicate and lie and cheat and steal... I'm holier than thou....
But I thought as black people, we if anyone would understand and empathize with the cause... Seeing as how the exact same religious nutso argument was used to keep us oppressed as a people... The bible was used to keep us from marrying and enjoying the government benifits that come along with it... Oh and u know what other argument they used? "What about the kids!!! If you allow them to marry the next step is having our kids exposed to this 'black equality' notion"... Do u get the picture!? I mean do u really GET it?
You know what I say? Fuck the sanctity of marraige I say PROTECT THE FUCKIN SANCTITY OF SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!
I mean when it comes down to it... To me... U may disagree if u wish... Actually I like it when people disagree with me... To me it comes down to the benifits that gay people would receive and we as californians have taken them away... Maybe its only right that we do this since bush has taken away many of our rights... I guess attitude really does reflect leadership..... But to me, It is not right... in fact its damn right repugnant... To discriminate because of some farfetched religious idea.... Keep your religion off of people... You can't force people to believe what u believe... So why legislate against them... I thought that's what this country was all about...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
my mind be goin... comment please
The first...
Think about how many moments have slipped through the cracks of history because they weren't "noteworthy" what does it take to alter the course or even to be noted by history... My story is just as important as george washingtons or voltaires... Not to say that my impact on the larger scheme of things are anywhere near their achievements but every single moment that I or you even exist is important.. Ha... Think about how many regular people history has forgotten... Its enough to make u want to question your existance isn't it? Lol... Sorry I'm in a weird place right now but enjoy
And the second....
Maybe I can understand how white people can not see how something they are doing or saying can have racial undertones or be percieved by individuals or a community as racist... But what truly upsets me is how some people refuse to see the "minorities" point of view... Not to say that everyone should closely monitor their actions and words I just get mad when it is brought to the attention of someone and they flat out deny that our reasoning is valid... The history of the black man in america is a unique one... And maybe a lot of our insecurities stem from the fact that people just don't get us... Maybe I'm dead wrong and only speaking for myself but if you ever think about collective conciousness it is a hell of a thing... We black men have been castrated and made to feel inferior even when we do succeed... And sometimes its frustrating to me how even when people don't empathize with us we don't have the collective fortitude to empatize with them... Humans are so complex... And hilarious in their complexities lol
Thursday, October 2, 2008
"Revolution, is in my opinion about evoluition, to re-evolve. It is the internal thought of a person that expresses itself externally. What you think you are, you will be. If you think you are ghetto, you will express this in an external fashion, whether it be a clothing style, tatoos, the way you speak, the way you act. This is the external expression of an internal thought process, on a micro-cosmic level. This same internal thought process expressed by the many becomes a culture, when many dress a certain way, speak a certain way and act a certain way, all based on an internal thought process. So, what outside entity came to a certain group of Black people and produced the thought in them that they are ghetto and this is how ghetto acts? How can one or a group overcome an ailment by pointing at the external factor? Does this exclude the fact that external factors influence the thought process? No. Yet, we are responsible for how we internalize an outside influence. One factor in the external influence on the Black Collective are our own so called “leaders” and “professors” that influence a certain percentage of Black people’s internal thought processes. When a “leader” or “professor” continues to express a slave mentality (I will elaborate in a post what a slave mentality is), then those that believe the “leaders” and “professors” are greater than themselves fall prey to an external influence that deters positive uplifing internal thoughts in the “weaker” collective. Example, on a different level. In order to avoid the flu or a cold one MUST strengthen their OWN immune system, an internal function. When a cold or flu virus attacks a person and overcomes them, then it is the failure of the person to strengthen the INTERNAL IMMUNE SYSTEM. When the immune system is strong an outside influence is of little to no effect. The same is true with the Black collective. The Black Collective must CLEAN OUT and strengthen INTERNALLY to repel negative outside attacks. The more we focus on the outside factor, the white man, the European cultural influence on the Black collective, and racism the “weaker” the collective becomes. And, the Black collective will be defeated by those very same external forces. Therefore, the focus MUST be on cleaning OUR internal thought process, cleaning out the down pressing “leaders” and “professors”, cleaning out our vocabulary, cleaing up the way we dress, act, and feed ourselves, and clean up our dirty ways to eachother. Then and only then can we defeat racism, European cultural influence, the white man and bad Black “leaders” “and Professors”."
to reiterate this is a QUOTE not my words however it does accurately verbalize what has been floating around in my head... i think it is amazing how some people can just seem to reach into your head, grab all of your crazy chaotic thoughts, and be able to word them so elloquently so effortlessly...
this is one of the reasons i love talking to people about real subjects not just music and fashion... i mean there is a time and place for those convos dont get me wrong i love talking music as much as the next man but i think in our generation there is a lack of discussion about real social issues....
take this for instance, i agree with this comment above... it is time for black people to start cleaning up "our own backyard" so to speak... in order for us to be respected as a community we have to get our shit together first....
now i dont know how to do this at all lol these are just some of the things i think about from time to time but i would appreciate feedback in the form of comments in order to assist me and you lol
what i do know is though is that change starts within we cannot let external forces dictate our course any longer...
this one quote from ghandi comes to mind... it may be a missquote so excuse me in advance, but it goes something like "Be the change you want to see"
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
just a thought
Monday, September 29, 2008
whats in a name?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Open up
like take drugs for instance.... why is it that the drugs that actually provide you with a frame of mind that actually allows you to think critically about things and enhance your discovery of your true self outlawed while alcohol (yes it is a drug) is legal when all it does is impair your judgement and kill your body?
Lately ive really been questioning myself... how can we as people determine if something is bad or if what someone is doing is bad without fully empathizing? you dont know the persons situation... I think we have all had situations when we feel like people are judging us unfairly because they dont understand... why cant we admit that we dont understand other peoples plights and thereby cannot judge them?
If colonization is primarily about the colonizers extracting resources from the colonized. It seems to me that cultural (mis)appropriation is simply what happens when all the material and human resources have been used up or rendered unprofitable. The colonial powers or their descendants (corporations) turn to cultural resources instead. And given that humans seems to be limitlessly creative, even under the most oppressive circumstances, that’s probably a more sustainable option.
Posted 18 Sep 2008 at 9:43 am
this comment on a post about cultural appropriation really made me think... like... have you ever thought that even thought the way so many people are exploited and oppressed here in america... whether its for labor or "borrowing" from culures to provide entertainment and other things for mainstream white america all while making a profit... i.e. record companies and clothing companies.... just thought it was an interesting insight and wanted ppl to draw their own conclusions from it....
Saturday, September 13, 2008
oh i almost forgot
Monday, June 30, 2008
"Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work.Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart."--- Marcel Morin
"I'm not going to put lipstick on a caterpillar and call it a butterfly."--- Bolton, on the weak attempts to revamp the United Nations, March 15, 2006.
"I think prayer is asking for what you think you don't already have and admitting that youdon't trust your own soul and the soul of another. And ultimately you don't trust in the Sourcethat whatever happens IS the right thing - no matter how it might look on the surface."--- E. Nora H. Amrani
"I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God" --- Sufi proverb
Hmmm looking back at these quotes.... seems like my mind and soul are in a weird place right now lol.......... ENJOY
Saturday, June 28, 2008
oh yeah...
last night
so shoutouts to those who made that party fun for me haha
kasey, holly, heather, brittany, jordan, jonathan, noah, epatty... and those 2 random hispanic girls who danced hard and thought they worked me haha
and somebody owes me a piggy back ride!!!!!!!!
the valley boys party in a nutshell... tight ass mansion.. a hummer that said hot latinas... drinks flowing... but only 10 ppl dancing...
Raw Ham doin big things
Thursday, June 26, 2008
just my thoughts
man i feel like its about damn time.... i think that the government should do a lot of things but prohibiting the union of two people before the law is not one of them..... it really pisses me off because you have these hypocritical religious nuts (who only seem to get religious when theres either gay people or abortions are brought up for some reason hmmmm) who are all up in arms because now gay people can be married in california...
woooo big whoop...
i want to ask u a question mr and mrs devout christian... how are two gay people getting married going to affect you or society negatively? i mean.. what harm can come from there being more stable families in america that can help our declining economy or maybe just maybe be able to adopt the many orphans in the country... i mean... how can the benifits a spouse will recieve when their significan other dies.. or less orphans on the streets... or people actually reconizing the love that two PEOPLE share possibly evoke a negative response from you? what if someone told you you couldnt marry who you want because its not right in the eyes of god? wtf
oh and about this "preserving the sanctity of marraige" crap..... for 1 marraige is a legal contract confirming the union of two people before the law and government... people chooooose to make it religious... and if you really want to preserve its sanctity... please please please try something practical like ummm i dunno sayyy NOT CHEATING ON YOUR SPOUSE.... hmm or possibly NOT GETTING never know.. these things may help....
but as far as this being a sin and an abomination before god... dont even come at me with that crap... whatever happened to seperation between church and state? oh and if you read the bible you would know that each sin is weighted equally before the eyes of god.... so all of you lying, fornicating, coveting, disrespectful americans are going to be in hell right next to your gay married couple neighbors if you believe in that sort of thing
let he who is without sin cast the first stone..... but if you live in a glass house u probably shouldnt cast it ;)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Okay im back
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Wish me luck!!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Quote of the week
"To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant"-Amos Bronson Alcott
"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. The bamboozle has captured us. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back."- Carl Sagan
In closing.... protect your mind... think critically
Why rush?
Monday, April 21, 2008
Quote of the week
"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent." -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
"The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: 'If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?' But... the good Samaritan reversed the question: 'If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?'" - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Sunday, April 20, 2008

1. its an effective, peaceful way to rebel against an unjust national law (even if it isnt your initial intention)
2. it promotes solidarity and community (how many times have u been at a smokeout party and just passed blunts to whoever and met new ppl)
3. it helps the economy by sending all the zombies to 7-11 lol
yeah yeah i hear the people already "but weed is against the law u shouldn't do it and its unhealthy" to that i give a big big BULLSHIT! first of all all of the incredibly addicting, unsafe, and unhealthy things that ARE legal you arent saying shit about... such as tobacco, caffine (yes its a drug dumbass), alcohol and what not...
secondly i say... its a complete waste of government resources to arrest people for possession of small ammounts of marijuana... completely ridiculous when there are people running around with crack and heroin feeding poison to communities around our country.... get your heads out of the crack of your ass and catch the real criminals... this is also why i support DECRIMINALIZATION of marijuana... theres a difference between that and legalization buttt if it is decriminalized i feel like we can fairly asses if as a country we want to take the next step.
now with that being said.... see yall suckas on the day after (get it? probably not but its okay ill tell u if u ask)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Maybe its just me.....


Monday, April 14, 2008
Seattle pics
the ppl of seattle arent very happy with clay bennet lol
these were just a few random pics that i took during the course of my trip.... it doesnt really summarize it or anything so i really dont even know why i took em lol.... but hope u enjoyed... if not... eh lol
quote of the week
"A person will worship something, have no doubt about that. We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will out. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming." Ralph Waldo Emerson
i chose this particular quote because i think it is extremely pertainant (spell check sorry) to my community as a black man... think about it.... we worship money and ignorance and wonder why we are not furthering ourselves as a community... think about it... who do u worship
no ideas original
1. Im sure NOTHING (with few exceptions of course) that you have done or thought or wore (or worn, i dont know which one really fits here but im not an english major so eh lol) is TRULY original... i mean when u think about it... no matter what u do.... someone has already done it, gotten tired of it and jacked someone new so stop bitchin.
2. the sincerest form of flattery is immitation... stop bitchin cuz ppl wanna be like you that just means youre doing something right.. your personality is appealing your style is cool or something to that effect so shuttup!!! complain when no one wants to be like your dumb ass lol\
JUST A THOUGHT if i offend u... oh well lol
oh and ill be back in la tonight :)) so that means ill put up some pics from my trip... i took very few though so dont get ur hopes up lol
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Please retire these!!!
no homo
axe instead of ask
fo sho and variations i.e. 2sho
what it do
youlll (wtf)
burnt (im not even sure if ppl still say that lol)
turnt/geeked up
wats hood (what??? who says that json? lol)
ummm there are a lot more ill add em as i think of them or are suggested... but please my good people i implore you stop using these dumbass words! lol
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Its time for me
Quote of the week
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Seattle eh? i can dig it
Monday, April 7, 2008
Im LEAaaving on an airplane
Friday, April 4, 2008
Dr. King's Dream?

What am i doing to make myself a better person?
How am i presenting myself to the world?
Am i contributing to the edification of my community or am i indeed a cancerous growth who infects everyone i come in contact with?
In my opinion in relation to how far we need to go (myself included I do take ownership for my shortcomings) we have not accomplished a damn thing since Dr. King gave his life for us and our cause. Sure we can congregate in the same places as everyone and as a whole we dont face the same types of overt racism and discrimination that we have in the past, but at what cost? Black on black crime and drug abuse are still killing us, there are STILL more black men in Jail than college, and i cant turn on a damn tv without seeing some sort of negative picture of my fellow black people. Whether its the sambos and coons shuffling and smiling on BET and other networks, or my beautiful women being exploited and diminished WILLINGLY. I dont know what disturbs me more the fact that we treat our women this way or that they allow it.... the fact that we have been historically oppresed or that now we have taken on the task of oppressing our damn selves!
With that being said, i think that it is time that we as individuals start doing some self evaluations. I dont mean to preach (yes i do) but it is about time that we stop being statistics and stereotypes. We need to start living the dream of a great man. His dream, OUR dreams will be realized. I personally guarentee it.
"When that devil’s bullet lodged itself inside the body of Martin Luther King, he had already begun an astonishing mobilization of poor, Black, white, latino Americans who had nothing to lose. They would challenge our government to eliminate exploitative, merciless, and war-mongering policies, nationwide, or else “tie up the country” through “means of civil disobedience.” Dr. King intended to organize those legions into “coercive direct actions” that would make of Babylon a dysfunctional behemoth begging for relief. Is it any wonder he was killed?" -June Jordan
Quote of the week
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Red Sox fan at the colleseum lol

Friday, March 28, 2008
Does the slipper fit???

Quote of the week
They all look alike to me
